Many of you have been asking for recent photographs. All four of us were at home for New Year’s, so here we are in two’s and three’s and finally four :-)

On the 31st, I went to the bank in Karumandurai to say that my missing 20,000 rupees was still missing. Hari Bhaskar checked and found that it had just been credited on 30th evening, two weeks after it went missing. I heartily wished him a Happy New Year.

He did say (and everyone be warned) that this sort of thing is happening often, and that had I not noticed and got him to file a claim, the money would have disappeared. So much for my mental agony.

Sonati’s dental agony has also come to an end. She got back home yesterday, and with rest (and not talking too much), she should be back to normal soon. Hopefully a Happy New Year sans any more dental trips.

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade to all of you reading this from all of us.