“The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon
Turns Ashes — or it prospers; and anon,
Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face
Lighting an hour or two — is gone.”
 — Omar Khayyam

Well, those two days of rain a fortnight ago, kindled our Worldly Hope, and after some ten days, the Badam put out its leaves.

Before that, the storm lilies and Mexican fireballs made their brief annual appearance.

The wild miniature spider lilies, too, made their appearance

And much before all this, the kopou phool (Foxtail orchid) had flowered. Though used to the Assam rains, it had to make do with our grey water.

This is to thank all of you who wished/prayed/hoped for our rains and our trees (and for us :-) More needed of course.