
Varun's raison d'etre for the Bangalore trip, the Mukhtiyar Ali concert at Good Earth Palm Grove was superlative. For the boys, it was their first live concert; and being familiar with the songs was a great bonus. Varun was quite busy throughout; listening; trying to record songs that we did not have; clapping along with ones he knew; sketching the troupe; and all of us were completely engrossed for what turned out to be two hours. The feel of an Open Air concert is something else altogether, and Mukhtiyar Ali has a Rock Star presence.


After the show, at dinner (of Appams!) Varun spotted Mukhtiyarji and we went over to chat. Varun got the sketch he had made autographed (Khush Raho: Be Happy), and when I suggested a photograph, the boys  and Mukhtiyarji were game. So here you are, a great shot of Mukhtiyarji flanked by the boys.
